Hassan’s Artwork Description

Art of Nature” by Hassan Fayyaz

From nature to man-made objects, there is art in everything around us. Some people think deep enough, and their scrutiny of the world is seen in their artwork. Today, I am going to put forward my own artwork which I completed a few months ago. It’s merely an analysis of the realities of the world and how I see them. The drawing is colorful and complex, just like our surrounding. My audience is everyone who lives. There is symbolism for what you see in it. The genre of the artwork is community art because it’s based on social change. My drawing has two parts, the inner dark part, and outer colorful part. The dark black part shows negativity while outer multi-colored depicts positive aspects of life.

The bright colors represent the qualities of humans, as positive. They represent our inner beauty, through our acts, words, and expressions. The colorful ship symbolizes the life that sails until the end. Everyone steps into the world, pure and innocent until they grow up to what they wanted to become. We came to this world without dark sides. But, the dark side itself comes into existence through our own will and thoughts. Nobody ever wants to talk about it. I painted the inner side dark which portrays the greed of power, selfishness, and evil. We as human beings always compete against each other in order to survive but very often forget the morals and righteous way. Then is when the dark side comes into existence and people start to believe they will live forever. The purpose of dark and bright in the same painting illustrates that there can be positives and negatives within one person, however, we only expose the outer brighter side and tend to hide the bleak secrets.

Through my artwork, I want to picture my surroundings. This is my attempt to present one of the harsh realities of life where everyone appears to be happy, while inside them, prevails, anxiety, sorrow, and depression.