Reflection on Two-Genre
During this writing course, I had to do some major assignments like the analytical essay and two-genre proposal. For the analytical essay, I took an artwork of Claude Monet and described it with the help of my own ideas and CUNY databases. The main learning outcome from this was making a bibliography and finding resources. After this, we were assigned to complete the two-genre proposal, which was to be done based on the information we collected earlier in the analytical essay. For this assignment, I had chosen two genres, an audience and a purpose for each of them. The first genre I chose was video and the second one was a timeline poster. To make the video time management was a huge challenge, and I had to spend hours to edit my stuff because I wanted to include more information in a short time. Whereas, for the poster, finding data was the hardest task. This project was more fun, but time-consuming than previous class writing, as it was more creative and had less restriction.
To make the video, I was told to keep in mind the rhetorical situation by my Professor. For this genre, I chose high school students as my audience and the purpose was to make students aware of their hidden abilities, that are often blocked by the fear of rejection. I chose video as my genre because I think high school students are young and learn better through visual content. To make this video, I needed a script, an editing software, a classroom, a cameraman, and myself. First, I made the script at night by using information from my analytical essay and then the next day I filmed it at CCNY inside a classroom. I took more than twenty-five shots and then organized my most favorite ones in order. The next part was editing, which was hard but not impossible. To do this I watched some YouTube videos and took help from my friend. After this, I started to make the poster.
For this timeline poster, I had to gather information from online resources about Claude Monet’s life and organize them in a sequence. Here, I chose timeline as my genre as it seemed an accessible way to engage City College students as my audience. The main objective of this poster was exposing my class fellows to Claude Monet’s struggles and hardships. After organizing my work, I started to make my timeline chart with a pencil. Then I used markers and color pencils to recreate the chart, to make it look attractive. As it would raise the interest of my class fellows at CCNY. At last, I completed this reflection and submitted my assignment.
The main learning outcome from this project was to focus on the rhetorical situation, which I believe I strongly attained. I think I was able to convince my audience to believe in themselves even if nobody else does. It feels like I was able to give a boost to the self-esteem of high school students by encouraging them to come up with new ideas. In addition, my poster received positive feedback from my class fellows, which I consider a sign of victory. The encouraging response of my audience is the reason behind me believing this project went successfully.